Not just sales but product knowledge and support to assist in your decision making process.
A discrete and confidential way to learn about quality products and services.
Confidently buy when you are ready, not the Seller.
Megatensity events to break the barriers and showcase your products and company to your target market.
Are you tired of the hit or miss approach to sales?
Megatensity Marketing Events for US Suppliers and Global Buyers is a multi media platform designed to intensify the exposure of your products or services to your targeted Buyer, thereby increasing your sales opportunities and successes.
USGoGlobal will work with you to design and implement a Megatensity sales event targeted directly to your buying market.
Our diverse background and knowledge base will brainstorm your product or service with you and design a marketing and sales event designed to penetrate the exact market interested in your offering.
Blogs, Info and Testimonials
Sept. 21 | by Robert Sapienza
What does it Mean to be GS-34?
What does it mean to be GS-37?
The Effects of Skin Contact with Chemicals
Cre8 Salon and Spa Testimonial
auto industry
Intense, multi media local to global events to showcase your verified products and services directly to an audience of interested and qualified buyers.
Multi faceted Sales Events individually designed.
Every product or service targeted to a specific buyer segment.
Allow us to work with you in developing your Megatensity Marketing Event. Together, we can pinpoint your market and penetrate the proper decision maker.
Social Media activity to expand product visibility to millions.
Time is valuable and, more importantly, it's a limited commodity. Save some time by viewing our industry specific products and services without an intrusion of into your day.
Buyer's join our Safe Harbor and enjoy the many advantages of a third party.
Social Media can not be ignored. We feel it is today's "word or mouth" opportunity.
Buyers will find our Safe Harbor refreshing. Using our Reverse Buyers Auction, you will find it very beneficial.
BUYERS AND SUPPLIERS: USGoGlobal is open to your ideas and suggestions. Please feel free to let us know your thoughts about our buying and selling process, and how we can help you improve the experience. Our Mission is Simple; Service, Service, Service.